Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Why should I buy Travel Health Insurance coverage?

Why not...?

Whether you travel frequently or occasionally, travel insurance protects you during your trip anytime and anywhere, in case of medical and family? Emergencies, travel delays or theft?  Your government health insurance plan coverage is very limited while traveling outside of your province of residence and out-of-Canada.

Just for those who are not sure what would happen if you go to emergency for an overnight, and get a      34 000$ bill, who will pay....?

Sorry to say, but you are 100% responsible for the bill, even if you have to dig in most or all of your savings.  

If their is insurance, you shouldn't skip on, it's travel health insurance.

For as low as 25$, you can get your personalize instant travel insurance quote!

Happy Travelling...from #OptimalTravel !

Thursday, 20 June 2013

What's more important when you travel via airplane...?

Price or else...?

Just read an article that got me thinking.  When I book a flight, other then the price, what is the more important think I look for in a plane?  Food served, leg room, will I have isle or window seat, own tv screen or a share one, plug for my laptop....?  It seams that all aircrafts and flights provider have it different.  Here is what one airlines is doing...American Airlines

What would you prefer, if you had to choose your to 3 top preferences, when flying, what would it be...?

Happy Travelling...from #OptimalTravel !

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Have you heard about GateGuru...?

Cool App!

If you are travelling a bit, this might be an app that can be useful.  It offers quite a few options and features.  As the "JourneyCard" offers you a detailed itinerary.   Also, the AirportCard, you can quickly access amenity information, maps, weather forecasts, airports tips and much more!  

If you have a chance to check it out, let us know what you think!  
GateGuru App

Happy Travelling...from #OptimalTravel !