Friday 26 July 2013

Children travelling abroad

Your children travelling with other people?

We usually recommend our clients that if they have children travelling abroad, to have them carry a consent letter.  This document will prove that the person responsible for your child/children have the legal right to make major decisions on their behave.

If your children travels with a group or event with a custodial parent, it is recommended to have a consent letter to facilitate the travel.

Every situations are unique, so we recommend that you talk to a professional like a lawyer for the proper advise.

Having one does not guarantee their entry to another country, but in lots of country it will be required.  You can also have the letter certified, with the signature of an official that has authority; like a commissioner of oaths or a lawyer.

Remember, if your are not travelling with your children, extra precautions should be taken and the responsibility of your children should be evident.

Here is an example:  

Consent letter from the Government of Canada.

Happy Travelling...from #OptimalTravel !

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